New friend

Looking back across this summer, I think the best parts were spent right here, on a lake , watching enjoying the sun, old friends and meeting new ones . Summer is High Drama. Everything is scattered about, tranquilized and agitated all at the same time, which doesn't make sense, but lots of true things don't quite make sense.

Today against all odds was a good day. Can't quite tell why , just felt cozy and relaxed.

 I have a new friend to thank that for. New friends are magical, especially the ones with who you click instantly. You are attracted to someone, you get to know them, you talk on the phone. Essentially, you "date" them. You try people on and see how they fit. Well this one fits perfectly. I still can't believe how a simple walk or a few nice words can make a difference,. Laughter is definitely the cure. When you have a new friend you can share all you previous experiences and laugh about them, show them what you consider  funny, and he or she will be interested in it because it's new to them like they are to you. My new friends name is Drazen, thou he's not that that new friend, we know each other for a while. But not just until recently we started to enjoy spending time together and bonding. Must say that I really love this boy, more and more every day. The felling of contempt and tranquility he gives me is just like with my old friends but add fun to all of that. Except for his cleverness, that I respect so much, he's feisty and possess some   extra-ordinariness  in him. Al thou in some he's still young and immature, but that is irrelevant, cause he's my friend, and that's the thing about friends you have to accept them for who they really are, not for who you want them to be.  So in conclusion life is about making connections and finding people that feel good. It's easy to be a good friend when the chips are down. The true mettle of a friend is to be there when they are rising high. To enjoy each others successes. That is the kind of friend I am and the the kind of person I seek out. This quality is the hardest for some. For me, I'd rather have a few amazing people in my life than a large group of ..... I really hope my new friend is to have and to hold.