Changes on New Year's day

  • People say that number 13 brings bad luck, in my case it's quite the opposite. The year 2013 brought so many pleasures to me. Even though it didn't start well it worked it's way out to be an amazing year. I learnt from all these experiences and as a token of gratitude I will offer my gained knowledge to you lovely people that participated in my 2013 moments and memories.
  • Here we go :)
  • You should travel as much and as often you can. It will not happen to you if you constantly postpone it, in the end you realize time flew and nothing happened. Learn a new language, even a basic level can give you pleasure of knowing how to say something in another language. It's fun as hell, not to mention useful. If you are in a bad relationship, get out of it and run as far as you can. Who ever got out of a bad relationship wished it had done it earlier. I should have put this first. Don't miss a chance to go and see your favourite musicians, I'm saying this because can you imagine how people who said: "Njaaah, we'll see Nirvana next time..." feel? Don't be afraid to take risks, of course we fail but more often we strive. That why it's worth it all. I've taken some risks this year and don't regret any of them. I just know that I will not ask myself why didn't you take that chance. I can't bullshit about this too much, but keep your physical health at it's top, you'll be thankful later. Exercise the body for a cheerful mind and vice verse. Don't let to be determined by gender rolls. Stating that in your days women didn't do that or this is a man work, you won't persuade anybody not even yourself. Quit a job that doesn't satisfy you. Of course you have to pay the bills, but that doesn't mean that you should suffer a bad job over that. Looking for a better job doesn't require money, takes good will of the individual. And for my lovely students, try hard in school, not because school grades have any effect on where you'll end up in life , but because one day you'll realize how cool it was to be able to spend the whole day learning new things. Be aware of your beauty, most of us spend our youth thinking we're not pretty enough, but those are our best years. Say I LOVE YOU! Don't be afraid of it, just say it. Once you're old, it will not matter that the love wasn't returned, but not letting the person you love know how you feel. Listen to your parents advice. The things they say about life are usually true. Think about other people, do some charity, by charity I don't mean join an organization and donate money just help someone in need when you can. Your little counts in large amount. Fuck other people opinions, what you are should matter only to you. Just remember in 5/10/20 years those people won't be around, and their opinion will not matter then as it shouldn't matter now. Don't put other people need before yours, carrying is wonderful but not at expense of you own dreams. Act on something, do more, fulfill the desire. When people think about how much time they needed to start something, to get it done, they realize the time that had gone wasted. Reach out Serbia is one of the best things that I started this year with 5 more lovely people who support me. Don't hold grudge, especially to the ones you love. What's the point of reliving the anger that you feel? Stand up for yourself, no one should raise their voice at you. Volunteer. You'll feel sad for not contributing to the world and making it a better place. Respect your elders, they hold so much knowledge and wisdom. Go straight to your grandparents if you have one, since they won't be around forever. Don't work to hard or spend more time than it's needed at work. On your dying bed you would want to have spent more time with your family and friends not in an office. Finish what you started, the process may be hard, but the results are compelling. If you have kids, spend more time with them, play around make fool of yourself. My father told me how my journey from being his little girl to becoming a woman went in blink of an eye. Sometimes you should let people go, people change, you change. In friendship there should be no strings. No hidden catch, no strings attached, just Freelove. Also meet new people be open toward them, give everyone an equal chance you never know. Do some public act, on a stage, catwalk or on TV or radio. Just a few days ago I was on a radio air and it was amazing to hear my voice on a broadcast. Don't worry so much, in the end most things that we worry about never actually happen. And last but not least. Show gratitude. At the beginning it's hard to see it, but in time it becomes very clear that every moment on this planet from those everyday stuff to those glorious ones are a gift that we're happy to share.
  •  So thank you all for making my 2013 a special year, I hope that this one will be better. I'll do my best to make it so for me and you both
  • I want to wish you all you a Happy New Year! Some of you I know for quite a while, others are new in my life, but all of you equally made my year special. No matter what you have planned to see, do or make in 2014, have fun and be safe.