The importance of a hug

I will make this a short one since there is little to say but a lot to learn. Everything about a hug is important. Is there anything more powerful than a hug in a human relationship, it's how you show affection, caring, give comfort, share joy. The intimacy of gentle human hands is an ideal support in joy and sorrow no matter what are you experiencing, besides it  improves your mental health   and here's why... 

Hug increases feeling of security, trust, strength, belonging, happiness and understanding.
Children who don't get hugged a lot at their young age usually are behind in walking or reading than the children their age that are hugged often. 

Relationships/Marriages in which spouses are hugging and cuddling last longer than those in which this small rituals aren't present. 
Even if you get hugged only for a brief moment the tension and stress will disappear.
During a hug oxytocin, love and happiness hormone is being released in you body. 
In my count people should receive 13 hugs a day, but most of us don't get those lucky 13.

In a average people spend 1 hour a month hugging. Due to release of oxytocin and regulation of cortisol our hearts will be healthier and our blood pressure will be lower.   If you are suffering from hypertension this is great way for you to reduce it.

Hug diminishes the feeling of being lonely, helps us defeat fear, boosts our confidence, releases the tension. 
Some hugs are quite short, some are quite long an average hug lasts 9,5 seconds. 

So have you hugged someone today?
Did you receive one? 

The reason why I wrote this text is that today I was feeling grumpy and on my way to work someone called out my name, it was an acquaint I haven't seen in a few years but I hold him dear and he gave me the biggest hug in the world so I knew the feeling was mutual, it turned out that he works in the same building as I do. 

Unfortunately I had little time to chat so I gave him  huge hug in return  before I left. It really made my day something so simple made me happy and improved my mood for the rest of the day. 
So just go out and hug someone you appreciate, show them your affection even if you are just acquaintances not to mention friends or lovers. And don't hug people that you don't know that's just creepy ;)